Language and intercultural competence education in a global age: bridging divides for diverse, more inclusive societies

We are living in a global world that is shaped by the interconnectedness of systems, societies and people, a context where continuous cross-border flows of goods and services, capital, information and ideas, as well as growing mobility for travel, migration or education have been key drivers of development.

We are also living in a time of unprecedented challenges. A context where the recent pandemic has been the great disruptor, impacting the lives of every person and organisation on the planet – while, simultaneously, being the event that has fast-tracked digital transformation by many years. A time marked by disaster displacement as one of the most devastating consequences of climate change. A moment of large-scale conflicts, tensions and divisions leading to a growing number of forced migrants worldwide.  A state of global re-emergence of populism and growing ‘us’ versus ‘them’ dynamics of polarisation.

In September 2022, UN Secretary-General António Guterres addressing the UN General Assembly emphasised the urgency to act, reinforcing that these divides are growing deeper, and inequalities are growing wider. Indeed, over the past 20 years, the number of international migrants has grown consistently. According to the UN, in 2020, 281 million people lived outside their country of origin, which represents 3.6 per cent of the world’s population, with Europe continuing to host the largest number of migrants in the world. As our societies become more multicultural and multilingual, the changing global landscape calls for a discussion on the role of education in the overall effort to welcome and integrate students of all backgrounds, and a reflection on how Language and Intercultural Communication educators can improve their practices to better prepare all students for the challenges ahead, harnessing them with adequate 21st-century skills to thrive in a competitive global market, but also inspiring them to be global citizens committed to making a positive impact in the world.

Call for contributions

Educators, researchers, and students in the areas of languages, social/cultural sciences and related fields, as well as others involved in government, NGOs and the private sector interested in the topics covered by this event are invited to participate and submit their proposals. We welcome contributions that engage with the conference theme within areas that include but are not limited to the following:

Language learning methods & approaches
Language learning and internationalisation
Lifelong FL learning
English as lingua franca
Third or additional language learning
Language for specific purposes
Technical communication
Language and technology
Language learning at the tertiary education level
Transferable skills development in the L classroom
Critical pedagogies
Language policy & politics
Emotional self-regulation and well-being in the L classroom

Intercultural communicative language teaching
IC learning methods & approaches
Cultures in contact
Cultural hybridity
Culture and community building
Nonverbal communication in intercultural contexts
Intercultural business communication
Cross-cultural training for expats


Proposals | Submission guidelines

Extended abstracts for paper/poster presentations must be in English, with 600-1000 words, up to 5 keywords and 5 references, and a short biographical note. All accepted proposals will be published in the LaICL’23 – Book of Extended Abstracts.

Abstract submission deadline | 18 June 2023

Submission email |

Please use the following template to submit your proposal:


28.09.2023 | Pre-conference student symposium (online)

With the aim of providing students with an opportunity to showcase their academic projects in a professional conference setting and, thus, not only share their experiences but also engage, learn and grow, a pre-conference student symposium will take place online. Works may be presented in English, Portuguese, French, or Spanish. The presentation format is poster presentation only and each presentation slot will be​ ​around 10 minutes + 5 minutes of Q&A.

Best poster awards | The most accomplished presentations will be selected by the Scientific Committee to receive a Best Poster Award and a Best Poster Honourable Mention.


28-29.09.2023 | Paper presentations (in-person & online)

Paper presentations should not exceed 20 minutes. The official languages of the Conference are English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish. There will be no simultaneous translation. Participants who do not present in English are kindly asked to prepare their PowerPoint presentations in this language.

Publication | A selection of high-quality papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, experimental, or theoretical work/research will be included in the edited volume

Simões, A., Balula, A., & Carvalho, S. (Orgs.) (2024). Language and intercultural competence education in a global age: bridging divides for diverse, more inclusive societies. UA Editora, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Full papers will be subjected to a double-blind reviewing process and will be published in open access and with ISBN & DOI numbers after the conference. Additionally, this publication will be submitted for indexing to Scopus and ISI Web of Science.


Important dates

Abstracts submission deadline18 June 2023
Notification of Acceptance/Rejectionby 15 July
Early bird registration deadline31 July
Late registration deadline1 September
Posters submission deadlineby 10 September
Attendance w/out presentation deadlineby 25 September
Conference dates28-29 September 2023


University of Aveiro, School of Technology and Management, Águeda